CIS 160 - Exploring Computer Programming With Animation

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Instructor Information

  • Instructor: Dr. Xiaoqin Zhang (Shelley)
  • Office: 302C Dion
  • Office Hours: Mon. 11AM -12PM & Wed.: 1 - 3 PM, Friday: 1 - 2 PM
  • Phone: (508) 999-8294
  • Email:
  • Course Description

    An introduction to computer science and programming. Topics include basic program design and implementation process, simple data types, control structures, an introduction to algorithms, debugging techniques, object-oriented and event-driven programming concepts. The course introduces object-oriented design, good software engineering principles and helps to develop fundamental programming skills. The design and the implementation of animation projects in 3D virtual worlds are used as teaching and learning tools in this course. Media computation is also introduced in this course.

    Course Objectives

    This course provides an introduction to computer science and programming for students without prior programming experience through “no-frustration” experience. A student in this course is expected to gain the following three abilities:

    1.    Formalized thinking process and expression:  the ability to read and write in a formal language
    2.    Abstraction:  the ability to generalize and to decompose problems logically
    3.    Evaluation of different problem-solving approaches:  to understand that although there are many ways to solve a problem, some are inherently better than others.
    This course prepares students for programming courses and it also serves non-CIS-major students who are interested in computer animation and media computation.

    Course Resources and Information

    Course Requirements and Grading

    This is a hands-on class. This course adopts an interleaved lecture-lab teaching method; you practice in lab each week to enhance your understand of the material. You are expected to take an active role in your learning process. This includes regular attendance, paying attention in class, reading the textbook, and completing all course requirements. You are encouraged to study with your classmates outside of class.

    There will be 2 midterm exams and 1 final exam, homework, lab projects and in-class quizzes. The material of all exams will come from either a material covered in class, homework, projects and/or assignment readings. Complete all required work on time. In the event that an exam must be missed, or required work cannot be completed on time, due to illness or other serious and unavoidable circumstance, notify the professor as far in advance as possible by phone or e-mail. Make-up exams will not be given for any reason.

    The evaluation will be based on:
  • 15% Midterm exam 1
  • 15% Midterm exam 2
  • 25% Homework
  • 20% Final Exam
  • 10% Quizzes
  • 15% Lab Projects
  • Academic Honesty

    You are encouraged to discuss assigned problems with other people but you must individually design and write your own solutions / code for all assignments. Furthermore, you should explicitly acknowledge any sources of ideas used that are not your own; this includes other people, books, web pages, etc. "Sharing" of solutions to homework problems and lab exercises is strictly prohibited. Submitting modified versions of other people's work as your own is considered cheating. Academic dishonesty will be "rewarded" with a grade of "F".