Xiaoqin Shelley Zhang


DION   302C
Phone: 508-999-8294
Fax:   508-999-9144



Ph.D. Computer Science University of Massachusetts at Amherst
M.S. Computer Science University of Massachusetts at Amherst
B.S. Computer Science University of Science & Technology of China

Teaching Album

CIS 160 - Exploring Computer Programming With Animation

CIS 180 - Object Oriented Programming

CIS 181- Object-Oriented Programming II

CIS 210 - Understanding  E-commerce Technologies

CIS 261 - Computer programming, FORTRAN

CIS 264 - Software Quality Assurance and Testing

CIS 322 - Data Structures and Fundamental Algorithms

CIS 360 - Algorithms and Data Structures

CIS 381 - Social and Ethical Issues of Computing

CIS 412 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

CIS 433 - Mobile App Development with Android

CIS 455 - Bioinformatics

CIS 522 - Advanced Algorithm Design and Complexity

CIS 561 - Artificial Intelligence

CIS 563 - MultiAgent Systems

Research Interest

Multi-agent systems, sophisticated negotiation and cooperation in multi-agent systems, intelligent agent architecture designing, agent control and reasoning under uncertainty, learning in multi-agent systems, information gathering, e-commerce, distributed systems and artificial intelligence.

Selected Publications


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Fax: (508) 999-9144

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