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Parallelism and distribution of processing; software bus concept; patterns in software design. The course provides an in-depth discussion of the software systems with multiple processes and of the relationship between concurrency and distribution of processes. The concept of the software bus, the existing standards, and the issues associated with their implementation are covered.
The tentative examination schedule is as follows:
• Midterm exam: Thursday, March 6, 2025 (in class)
• Final exam*: Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 8:00am - 11:00am, Library Lecture Hall 206
*See Final exam schedule at https://www.umassd.edu/registrar/final-exams/
Your numerical scores will be based upon the following contributions:
• 05% Class attendance
• 30% Assignments and quizzes
• 25% Midterm exam
• 40% Final exam
The letter grades will be assigned using the following approximate scale: (A+,A,A-)[100-90], (B+, B, B-)[90-80], (C+,C,C-)[80-70], (D+,D,D-)[70-60], and F[60-0]. Academic dishonesty will be "rewarded" with a grade of "F". "Sharing" of solutions to homework problems is strictly prohibited.
Class attendance is mandatory. You are responsible for all announcements and all material presented in the lecture sessions. Read the assigned material in advance of lectures and come prepared for class. After each class, re-read the material.
In addition, students are responsible for all official correspondence sent to their standard UMD e-mail address (@umassd.edu).
There are 5 homework assignments. Each homework set may contain a number of questions
that require written answers, and program assignments using Java language. Each assignment will have a deadline (date and hour). Late assignments will
not be considered unless explictly specified in class. All homework must be submitted online through the myCourses learning management system (Blackboard). It is your responsibility to make sure that you submit the right files in a timely manner.
There will be no make-up quizzes, midterms and final exam. If you have a conflict
with the midterms or final exam, contact the instructor in advance, so that
your situation can be evaluated and a solution can be found. Of course, only
serious conflicts will be considered.
Any requests for regrading your assignments or exams must be submitted in writing, along with the exam and/or assignment within one week from the day it was returned. Your request must detail what you think was incorrect about the grading and must be submitted during regular office hours or immediately after a class.
The purpose of a university is to disseminate information, as well as to explore a universe of ideas, to encourage diverse perspectives and robust expression, and to foster the development of critical and analytical thinking skills. In many classes, including this one, students and faculty examine and analyze challenging and controversial topics.
If a topic covered in this class triggers post-traumatic stress or other emotional distress, please discuss the matter with the professor or seek out confidential resources available from the Counseling Center, http://www.umassd.edu/counselling/, 508-999-8648 or - 8650, or the Victim Advocate in the Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality, http://www.umassd.edu/sexualviolence/, 508-910-4584. In an emergency contact the Department of Public Safety at 508-999-9191 24 hrs/day.
UMass Dartmouth, following national guidance from the Office of Civil Rights, requires that faculty follow UMass Dartmouth policy as a "mandated reporter" of any disclosure of sexual harassment, abuse, and/or violence shared with the faculty member in person and/or via email. These disclosures include but are not limited to reports of sexual assault, relational abuse, relational/domestic violence, and stalking. While faculty are often able to help students locate appropriate channels of assistance on campus, disclosure by the student to the faculty member requires that the faculty member inform the University's Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at 508-999-8008 to help ensure that the student's safety and welfare is being addressed, even if the student requests that the disclosure not be shared.
For confidential counseling support and assistance, please go to http://www.umassd.edu/sexualviolence/
Tutoring: If you have difficulty with the coursework, please reach out to me, your TA, or contact the Academic Resource Center.
Technical Help: 24/7 email, live chat, and phone support for myCourses is available at the myCourses support portal. Do you need help with other UMass Dartmouth technologies? Please contact CITS.
You are encouraged to discuss assigned problems with other people, but you must individually design and write your own solutions/code for all assignments, unless group work is explicitly allowed. If you do work on the assigned problems with anybody, you must list the names of the people you discussed it with on the report you turn in. If you look at any web sites to help you with the assignments, you must list the URLs of each page you looked at.
Students should be aware that suspect assignments (e.g., those without drafts, without works cited pages, or with large departures in style) will be submitted to SafeAssign by the instructor for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism. Submitted assignments will be included in the UMass Dartmouth dedicated databases of assignments. These databases of assignments will be used solely for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism during the grading process during this term and in the future. Students must provide an electronic copy of their assignment to the instructor for submission to the service when plagiarism is suspected, in order to receive a grade on the assignment and to avoid possible sanctions.
For further information about the University's policy on Academic Dishonesty and about issues of Academic Integrity, please refer to the following link (or download the pdf file from here):
Using work or ideas without citation is plagiarism. The penalty
for plagiarism will range from an "F" in the course to expulsion from
the university.