Throughout our lives, there are certain experiences which have influenced us more profoundly than others, and the memories of which stand even the toughest test of time. We might not realize it as it happened, but if we look back, to see the paths which we have traversed, and the people whom we have met, we would have a better understanding of who we are today, and the direction we will be headed tomorrow.

On a spring day of 1985, a group of oddly-looking students appeared on the campus of Zhejiang University in the picturesque city of Hangzhou. They looked more like teenagers from a junior high on a field trip than normal college students. It was part of a controversial plan to put a select few of gifted students aged 15 or below directly from high schools onto an even faster academic track. With the arrival of twenty bewildered youngsters whose curious eyes betrayed their age, and a greater number of parents who were still reluctant to let go, the first and the only Juvenile Class of Zhejiang University came to being.

We were that group of kids.

It was a brief year. To most of us, it was the first time ever to be away from home. Yet adjusting to a completely strange environment did not seem as daunting as the parents had imagined. In addition to coping with the grueling school work, we managed to have fun, to make friends... It was the year we started growing up.

Perhaps we were too young to appreciate, or even to be aware of the fact that we were a truly diverse group. Some of us were coy, some playful, and some even unruly, each had different talents. Twelve years have passed since then, we are all hurling toward our own destinies. Deep inside, we still hold dearly the memories of that special year of 1985, the moment in time when our trajectories intersected.

Belatedly, here is our digital yearbook of the Class of '85.

20 years ago, we were ...

Second Row, left to right - Diane Dorfman (English Teacher), Jidong Jiang, Xuejun Zhu, Yexiang Zhou, Ruifeng Cheng, Xiangqun Song, Dan Zhang, Ming Tian, Chi Zhang, Mangtao Du, Hong Chen, Hong Gu, Wei Lu
First Row, left to right - Mei Qiu, Jie Yu, Haiping Xu, Yu Song, Wei Cheng, Guangyu Wang, Gang Xu, Fan Ding

Another Picture Taken in 1985


I am happy to tell you that our first baby, Allan, was born at 7:20pm on June 5 (Tuesday) 2001, with weight 7lb & 12 oz, length 19in. Both mom and baby are fine now. -- Ming

Allan Tian's Photo Albums

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Webpage originally designed by Dr. Xiangqun Song, with preface written by Dr. Jidong Jiang.

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