Readme.txt 11/25/01 Last modified on 02/28/02 ADK 1.0 (The model-based Agent Development Kit) is an implementation of intelligent communicating agents for multi-agent systems (MAS), which provides a framework and a full class library to support development of application-specific agents for MAS. ADK 1.0 is based on a formal agent model - the agent-oriented G-net model, which serves as a specification and a high-level design for agent implementation. The agent-oriented G-net model is created by Haiping Xu and his advisor Prof. Sol M. Shatz in the Concurrent Software Systems Laboratory (CSSL), Computer Science Department, at the University of Illinois at Chicago. ADK 1.0 is developed on Windows 98 and Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition Version 1.3.1. The Sun Jini 1.1 is used as a middleware for intelligent communicating agents to find each other in the Jini Community. To run this software, you need to go through the following steps: =============== 1. installation =============== Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition Version 1.3.1 for Microsoft Windows can be downloaded from the following web site: The download size of the file j2sdk-1_3_1-win.exe = 34,440,521 bytes. Related information can found at: (Note: The Java 2 SDK 1.3.1 must be installed at C:\jdk1.3.1, otherwise you need to modify any related batch files to make the environment correct.) The Sun Jini(TM) Technology Starter Kit v1.1 has already been included in this distribution, therefore you do not need to download it again. Related information about Jini technology can be found at: Download the file from the following web site: The download size of the file = 4,014,626 bytes. Extract the files from the file into the C:\CSSL directory. If the directory is not there, create it first. After the extraction, you will see two subdirectories created in the C:\CSSL directory, which are: MyJini and MyJava; you will also see two text files: Readme.txt (this file) and Scenario.txt (a test case file for air ticket trading application built on ADK). Note: The ADK was initially called Mad-Pro (Model-based Agent Development Prototype), so we still use the name Mad-Pro occasionally. ============== 2. modfication ============== (Notes: You may get your current IP adress by running the following program: C:\Cssl\MyJini\JINI1_1\IpWatch.exe) In file C:\CSSL\MyJini\Jini1_1\StartLookup.bat, modify the IP address as follows (please donot include the brackets when replacing the IP address): set MYHOST= --> set MYHOST=[IP addr or host name]:8080 In file C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\airTicketSeller\runAirTicketSeller.bat, modify the IP address as follows: set HTTP_SERVER_HOST= --> set HTTP_SERVER_HOST=[IP addr or host name] In file C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\airTicketBuyer\runAirTicketBuyer.bat modify the IP address as follows: set HTTP_SERVER_HOST= --> set HTTP_SERVER_HOST=[IP addr or host name] If you also want to run the train ticket seller and buyer, you need to do the the same modifications for the following files: C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\trainTicketSeller\runTrainTicketSeller.bat C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\trainTicketBuyer\runTrainTicketBuyer.bat ============ 3. execution ============ Setup the Jini Community Environment: C:\CSSL\MyJini\JINI1_1\StartHTTP.bat (Notes: The HTTP server does not return, so leave the DOS command window open. However, you may minimize the DOS command window.) C:\CSSL\MyJini\JINI1_1\StartRMID.bat (Notes: You are supposed to have a C:\temp directory on your PC, otherwise, create the temp directory first. The RMID process does not return, so leave the DOS command window open. However, you may minimize the DOS command window.) C:\CSSL\MyJini\JINI1_1\StartLookup.bat (Notes: It takes a while for the process to return. When it's done, press any key to close the DOS command window.) For the air ticket buyer and seller, run the following batch files: C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\airTicketBuyer\runAirTicketBuyer.bat C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\airTicketSeller\runAirTicketSeller.bat Similarly, for the train ticket buyer and seller, run the following batch files: C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\trainTicketBuyer\runTrainTicketBuyer.bat C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\bin\trainTicketSeller\runTrainTicketSeller.bat ============== 3. compilation ============== It is not necessary to do so. However, if you want to modify the code and compile it again, you can do it by running the following batch files: C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\src\buildAirTicketBuyer.bat C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\src\buildAirTicketSeller.bat C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\src\buildTrainTicketBuyer.bat C:\CSSL\MyJava\Mad-Pro\src\buildTrainTicketSeller.bat - eof